Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have been sick for two days now with the worst head cold I believe I have ever had. It seems as if there is no relief in sight. I am miserable with that stuffy head, congested feeling and a hacking cough. I think I have gone through atleast 5 boxes of kleenex. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do for relief? Also....I made some changes on my blog background and lost my friends and family list. So, if you dont see yourself on there, please leave me a comment so I can add you back on. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


pete/chris whipple said...

I am sorry you are sick! I just read your post this morning! I made some potato soup yesterday..would you like some? Are you trying the vicks thing on the feet? Love, Mom

Tamra and Jim said...

It looks like you lost me! haha I like your new background though and I sure hope you feel better soon. Those colds are miserable.

Purple Echo said...

I've got a bad cold too! I've been using a nasal spray from Mucinex called Full Force - it lasts for 12 hours and works great. You can only use it for 3 days in a row, though. Give it a try! - Shauna

Wyatts said...

Hey~ Just saw your post. Sorry you are feeling bad. Poor Carder has got a cold and cough too. He's fine and happy for the most part in the day but its the nights that are killing both of us! Get better soon!