Tomorrow is my brother Todd's birthday. He was born just after me and so I have lots of fun memories with Todd. He is a good person and I am proud to have him as a brother. He does an Awesome Scooby Doo Impersonation if you ever have the chance to hear it. He is quite the jokester. Often when he calls he will try to pretend like he is from another country. Sometimes he catches me off guard and it takes a minute or two before you figure out it's him. From a young age he wanted to be a Chiropractor like his uncle. Well, he put himself through school and he did it! He and his wife are both Chiropractors and have their own practice in Texas. We don't get to see them a whole lot since he is so far away but I have a big piece of my heart that always has him in mind. I hope he has a great day and that he knows how loved he is.

my doll and my brother!

Ohhhh, he is so cute.
Couldn't you just pinch those cheeks.
Love ya Todd!
Love the pics! I hope I have some to do a post. I better start looking now. Have a great B-day Todd!
Thanks Marcy for the sweet thoughts and classic pics! What a stud, I should have been a musician.
Love all those pics of little Todd... somedays, I wish I could go back.
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