I just recently finished a book that had this written in it & I liked it:
The word thing is an interesting word. At first glance it looks like the front half of one word combined with the last half of another. It's a versatile word. It can be good, as in "what a nice thing," or "she has a thing for you." Or it can be bad, like, "the thing under the bed," or "here's the thing, you're fired and you smell bad." Add an "s" to the back end of it and it becomes something that most people in the world can't get enough of. "Things" People love things. They collect things. They store things. They cherish things and then move on and cherish other things. People also buy things. Some buy a lot of things simply because their neighbors have those same things - which is a weird thing if you really think about it. It's remarkable what we'll do for the sake of things when in reality things couldn't care less about us.
So, speaking of things I recently acquired a few of them. Richard's Nana who died recently had these things in her home. I am not sure how long she has had them but I don't ever remember her not having them. She had a special shelf in her home that housed these things and I was always drawn to them and thought they were pretty cool things. One time when we were up there visiting her I happened to mention that if she ever got rid of those things that I would like to have them. Well, guess what? They are now in a special place in our home and I really happen to enjoy the funny little things. I find them unique and funny. Creative and whimsical in a way. They make me smile and laugh and some people might find them ugly but to me they are a conversation piece that will always remind me of Nana's home. What do you think? Oh, and by the way they are all mugs.