Friday, June 26, 2009

Fun day for me

Okay, so I'm not a foot model or anything but I got a pedicure yesterday with a friend and it was so nice to put my feet up and relax. Especially after doing 20 casseroles the day before with the boys. I really don't treat myself to this very often, maybe twice a year but I sure enjoyed it. I got something patriotic with the 4th in mind. Check out my red, white & blue.
Then later that evening I met a friend for a treat. This was a friend from ShowLow that I haven't seen in years. We served in Primary together and it was just really great to get out and visit with the girls. There were others who went also and so it was just fun! I was feeling a little blah, I think just tired plus I had worked that day. I stuck a hair flower in my hair and it's amazing how that can just pick you up and add some cheerfulness to your whole being. Atleast it did for me. Camdon took my picture with the flower in because it was so pretty.
Thanks Camdon! Love my boys!!!


Janalie said...

Your toes are so cute. I just love you hair dark! I hope you have a fabulous 4th!!!

Vanessa Shannon said...

cute toes...but I LOVE the flower in your dark hair. Very "spanish-like"....pretty!

Bev said...

Aren't you beautiful from HEAD to TOES!!!

Vicki Johnson said...

Your toes rock!!
That Dark Hair is so perfect!!!
I Guess Heavenly Father knew what he was doing!