We planted a garden for the first time since moving to the valley 12 years ago. I am totally LOVING it!!! Seriously, I love caring for these plants. Watering, weeding, harvesting. It's a time to reflect and I just find it calming. These might seem like silly pictures to some of you but I'm pretty proud of these plants.

We have acorn squash.

and zuchinni. Only 2 plants because I knew that it produced like crazy.

My green beans. Very tasty might I add.


& Cilantro for all my tomotoes I plan to harvest. Yuummmmy salsa.

Summer squash. We have loads of it, hint hint. Let me know if you want some.

Bell Peppers.

I have 3 different kinds of tomato plants. The one pictured below is kind of a pear shape.

My cherry tomatoes which are just starting to ripen. Love them in salads.

My radishes which I planted not to long ago. They are coming up nicely.

The cucumbers have been so out of this world good. Love them for a snack.

This is the greenery from the cucumber plants. I just love how it looks. Silly me.

My carrots. We cooked some with a roast recently. Yum!!!

I had some room left in the garden and decided to try sugar snap peas. They are just coming up. We'll see how they do with the summer heat. They are in a protected area so hopefully they will survive.

The turtles are out and about more these days and they are enjoying all of the greens from the garden as well. They love the carrot tops, squash leaves and cilantro. The one below is Camdon's and her name is Angie unless she turns out to be a boy, then he is Fred.

This one is Jaron's and he/she is a little more shy. Alex is the name, safe for either sex. They dug this burrow on their own and it is quite impressive and deep. We have shone a flashlight down in there before and you can't even see the end of it.

If Jaron's tortoise sees anyone at all he goes down in the burrow until we leave. But Camdon's is quite social. I guess even turtles have issues.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!!!
So jealous of the garden. It looks so yummy and fun!
And the turtles are hilarious!
I am way impressed with that garden! My first attempt at a garden wasnt anywhere near that successful. The turtles are cool too :) I cant wait to see you in July! I hope we can spend some time together and the Gardens would be a great place to go! Let me know!
GREAT pictures, great garden! It's done so well! Gardening is so addicting, isn't it? Good for you!
wow so impressed!!! Ok your tortises are SO big! My garden is small compared to yours! :)
Your garden is beautiful!!!
Way to go. My mom had several desert tortoise. They're funny with their different personalities aren't they. I bet they're in heaven with all the garden greens. They love strawberries too but then they look like a lion after a hunt with their mouths all red. Bet the boys would enjoy that.
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