Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Camdon gets his Wolf badge

This last pack meeting Camdon was getting his big award & this was the night that Nana was not expected to live. Richard & I felt like we needed to be at the hospital to say goodbye to Nana. So, we called our good friends the Burr's and asked if they would represent us as Camdon's parents. They always call the parents up & I didnt want him to be parentless. They of course said that they would. Trevon ended up going and so he went up with him also. Thanks Trevon & Burr's!
Here is Camdon with the "Chief" who presented him with his badge.

Okay, so this is funny! My friend Marcy (yes, same as mine) thought that if she were going to represent me well then she would need to have blonde hair. She brought this silly wig to wear. Is that not so funny! Since Trevon was there she had him wear it. Oh, he is so cute! Let's just hope that's not what I look like.

Camdon with his Mom, oh I mean brother.
You are a good sport Trevon.
Congratulations Camdon on getting your Wolf!
Thanks Burr's for all the laughs.


Vanessa Shannon said...

Good job Camdon! I see the resemblance to you in Trevon with that funny wig! Is that a tiara he is wearing! Too funny....but how sweet to support his little bro'.

pete/chris whipple said...

Oh Marcy, You are lookin hot these days!! congrats, camdon!Why didn't you ask us to go?

Wyatts said...

Way to go Camdon. Trevon you are one hot lady! But your an even cuter boy!