Friday, October 17, 2008

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Camdon had early release today & so he & I headed to the movies this afternoon. This is what he wanted to see.
It was pretty funny & it was clean (rated PG).
It can be hard to find a good family movie.

We laughed hard & enjoyed all of the comedy. I will have to say that it is one of those movies that you enjoy but you just see it once & your good. No need to see it again.
Richard & the big boys are on a hunting trip.

We hope to have good news as well as some pictures coming soon from their trip.


Vanessa Shannon said...

How fun to spend time with just one! Ive never done that but would sure like to soon....Im sure Camdon enjoyed it!

pete/chris whipple said...

Thanks for helping me out on my blog! I laughed some more this morning!