Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Trevon attends ASU

A few months ago Trevon applied for a summer program at ASU. It is in the Engineering program there and he really wanted to attend it. He had to fill out an application, write an essay, get a letter of recommendation from a teacher, submit his transcripts just to apply to the program. I thought this was such a good experience for him as practice for his future college years. Well, he was accepted into the program. Only 25 students got in. We are very proud of him and his desire to learn. He started yesterday and they got to build a robot similar to Wall-E. Of course when I asked him what his favorite part of the day was he said 'lunch'. Go figure.


Vanessa Shannon said...

AWESOME! What an amazing opportunity. That Trevon is going to be really successful at whatever he does. He has so much ambition and seemingly no fear. Way to go....!

pete/chris whipple said...

Very proud of you Trevon!

Tamra and Jim said...

That is awesome for Trevon. He must be very smart. ASU is lucky they picked such a good applicant!

Bev said...

Good job!! I think you have a success on your hands!!

Wyatts said...

That is so cool! Way to go Trev! You are awesome. So does he ride a bus or do you have to take him?